I have been mentoring, coaching and working with CEOs, Leaders, Businesses, Athletes and Young People on their state of mind since 2016.
With over 15 years of International Professional Development in Coaching and Mentoring; I graduated as a certified transformational coach from Supercoach Academy in 2014.
I became an accredited Three Principles Practitioner of State of Mind Coaching with One Thought in 2016, with continual One Thought Professional Learning and Development.
Chair of Entrepreneurial Scotland Foundation (2017 to present)
Trustee of Saltire Foundation (2014 to present, Board Member at Entrepreneurial Scotland)
Co-founder and Director at Grant Property Investment (1996 – 2019)
Trustee of Enlight Foundation (2012 – 2014)
Director and Vice Chair Entrepreneurial Exchange (2011-2014)
Director at Powell Marketing (1979 – 1994)
About Me
Hello. I know that life is full of questions and the good news is that’s okay as you already have all the answers; it’s my job to work with you and show you where to look and find them.
Whether you have a grand vision of the future or are struggling with the everyday; whether you want to shout your ideas to the rooftops or simply be more comfortable in your skin, be happier being you, I’m here to clarify your thinking, encourage your actions. Show you how your state of mind at any given moment is a key variable in your life, whether at home, at work or at play.
People who work with me become stronger leaders, better listeners, ask more insightful questions and often find they can do more with less, best of all their families and co-workers are amazed by the difference in them.

Happiness is an inside Job, when you realise there is a hidden variable within all of us and that you have access to more of your creative thinking, everything changes.

Whether you’re in Edinburgh or New York; Hong Kong or a wee village in the middle of nowhere, I’m here when you need me. My sessions can be held on the phone, over the internet or in person. So please do get in touch, and together we’ll get you back in touch with your true self.

The transformation from the beginning of last week until now is astonishing, I really can’t thank you enough.
So many of the terms and analogies you used resonated with me and as a result I feel so much more empowered and confident in myself, particularly in seeing my thoughts. I have noticed a massive difference in my mental clarity and capacity, it’s so refreshing. “